Assa Abloy

Url pre volanie API rozhrania


Overenie spojenia

Pre overenie spojenia sa používa Base HTTP Autentifikácia. Parametre pre prihlásenie (meno a heslo) nastavuje používateľ systému Ellipse v administrácii. Pre produkčné prostredie je potrebné v administrácii povoliť IP adresu pre vzdialený dopyt. Podpora je dostupná na

POZOR! Okrem API spojenia na Ellipse, je potrebné uložiť IP adresy cloudu Ellipse v nastaveniach Visionline, Assa abloy povoluje PMS protokol komunikáciu iba voči povoleným IP. 

Nahrať hlavnú kartu

Ku každej izbe je vydaná jedna hlavná karta. V prípade viacerých hostí na izbe a potrebe viacerých kariet, nie je možné vytvárať viaceré hlavné karty, pretože hlavná karta aktivovaním ruší všetky predchádzajúce hlavné karty. Prídavné doplnkové karty je potrebné prídávať cez tzv. "joinera", popísané v dokumentácii nižšie. 

Volanie typu POST.
Povinne parametre: resid - id rezervácie, room - id izby z volania registerlist, start - zaciatok platnosti karty, end - koniec platnosti karty
Voliteľné parametre: cr - common room - id miestnosti/dverí na prechod, napr. hlavný vchod, zadný vchod, rampa a pod. Podľa konfigurácie zámkového systému v budove sú common room označené ID číslicami. Ako string je možné zasielať aj viaceré miestnosti cez čiarku alebo rozsah od do cez pomčku ("cr": "1" alebo "cr": "1-4" alebo "cr": "1,4")

    "room": 3,
    "start": "2023-08-15 12:00",
    "end": "2023-08-20 12:00",
    "resid": 2004277,
    "cr": "1-4",

Odpoveď pri úspešnom volaní



Nahrať doplnkovú kartu

V prípade viacerých hostí na izbe a potrebe viacerých kariet, nie je možné vytvárať viaceré hlavné karty, pretože hlavná karta aktivovaním ruší všetky predchádzajúce hlavné karty. Prídavné doplnkové karty je potrebné prídávať cez tzv. "joinera". 

Volanie typu POST. Povinne parametre: resid - id rezervácie, room - id izby z volania registerlist, start - zaciatok platnosti karty, end - koniec platnosti karty, jr - číslo doplnkovej karty (integer)

    "room": 3,
    "start": "2023-08-15 12:00",
    "end": "2023-08-20 12:00",
    "resid": 2004277,
    "cr": "1,2,3"
    "jr": 1

Odpoveď pri úspešnom volaní



Pri neúspešnom volaní chybové hlášky z Assa Abloy aplikácie:

Result Code
Success 0
No connection to the device 3
The device is processing 4
No connection to the device or undefined device 7
The card is valid 13
The card can‟t be used. 17
The card can't be written. 18
The verification of the card encoding failed 20
The card could not be read 38
Cancelled by user 39
No card reader was connected 40
No card was inserted in the encoder 41
The magnetic encoder needs a new PROM 42
Unusable card (smart card) 43
The card has expired 44
The card has been cancelled 45
The card has been overridden 46
The operator's authority does not allow this long validity 57
Unusable card (smart card) 70
A fatal error has occurred (see the event log for details) 72
Database locked 73
Wrong unit (HCU) connected to COM-port 78
The request is waiting in the device queue 85
Reporting card 1 used 96
Reporting card 2 used 97
Reporting card 3 used 98
Reporting card 4 used 99
Reporting card 5 used 100
Reporting card 6 used 101
Reporting card 7 used 102
Reporting card 8 used 103
Reporting card 9 used 104
Reporting card 10 used 105
Reporting card 128 used 221
The room is unsold 222
The room is unoccupied 223
The room is occupied 224
The room's occupancy status is unknown 225
The mobile key is being sent to the phone 227
The mobile key could not be sent to the phone. Try again 228
The mobile key has successfully been sent to the phone 229
The mobile key is being removed from the phone 230
The mobile key could not be removed from the phone. Try again 231
The mobile key has been removed from the phone 232
An error was generated by another module (see Event.log) 10006
Too many doors to fit magnetic card 10010
The date value was out of range 10015
The operation requires a PIN code. No PIN was defined for the user 10021
The card is too small 10022
A room not available for magcards was selected 10032
The guest room interval is too large 10037
The interval was too hollow. I.e. there was no room in the middle of the interval 10040
The validity specified was too long 10041
There are no more registration numbers available 10045
Error (%d) occurred while storing the new card in the database 10046
Only guest rooms 101 through 110 are available in demo mode 10055
The database is corrupt 10057
The preamble of the field was undefined 10060
The field's value was invalid 10061
Both rooms in the interval must belong to the same wing 10062
Both limits in an interval must be numeric or alphanumeric 10063  
Room not found in the database 10064
This room is not a common room 10065
This room is not a guest room 10066
This field is not applicable when issuing magnetic cards 10067
This field is not applicable when issuing smart cards 10068
This field is not applicable when reading status 10069
This field is required when issuing magnetic cards 10070
This field is required when issuing smart cards 10071
This field is required when reading status 10072
The card's expiration time (%s) has already passed. Card is not issued 10074
The encoder is unable to handle smart cards 10075
The encoder is unable to handle magnetic cards 10076
Error occurred while setting status overwritten on a card 10080
Error occurred when setting status valid after encoding the card 10081
Previous card not found when issuing family cards 10082
Original card not found when issuing joiner card 10083
The device type of the selected device is invalid 10085
No device has been selected 10086
The device selected does not exist in the database 10087
Failed to start the device's driver component 10088
This field (%s) is not applicable when issuing guest cards 10096
This field (%s) is not applicable when issuing staff cards 10097
No request found for the TA 10098
No request found for the EA 10099
No answer was received within the time limit 10106
This field (%s) is required when reading cards 10124
This field (%s) is required when issuing staff cards 10125
This field (%s) is required when preparing for auto-update 10126
This field (%s) is not applicable when preparing for auto update 10127
The encoder is not capable of encoding on track %d 10131
Error occurred while reading smart card. Card is retained in the encoder until Esc is pressed 10133
The card can not be used for magnetic card data. Check that it was inserted correctly. 10134
The card can not be used for smart card data. Check that it was inserted correctly. 10135
The safe‟s door is still closed. The guest may still have items in the safe. 10204
The phone number has not been registered as NFC (UID not found) 10207
Bad answer from MobileKeys when sending card info to the phone (no mobileKeyId returned) 10208
No card found for the phone number 10213